Saturday, 8 October 2016

The Difference Between 3D Modelling in Movies and Video Games

The polygon budget - in movies the only thing that matters is meeting the deadline and making the model the best it looks with time and money that is given. In video games the number of polygons is limited because of the limit of the game engine and the platform it is played on. Movies are pre rendered while video games don’t get to be pre rendered which means the console has to render everything in real time (there and then the game is played) which uses a lot of processing power. If the limit is pushed every time a frame is rendered on the game there would be a delay if its an hour, minutes or even seconds and even seconds of lag can ruin a game.

Every time a new generation of console comes out e.g. ps3 and ps4. the graphics look better because the technology has advanced resulting in a better processor so the number of polygons on a model can be increased because the processor can render more in real time, why the graphics look better. Playstation 1 had 1200 polygons on its in game models while the playstation 3 has 11,600 polygons because the processor get better in time.



The evolution of the character Lara Croft from Playstation 1 to the Playstation 4.

The amount of detail and polygons that goes into a 3D movie is really large e.g. monsters university if was rendered in realtime would take 29 hours just for one frame as technology at the moment is not capable. Consoles still have a massive limitation when is compared to movies.

Techniques to maintain detail with the polygon limit

A technique for 3D modellers to avoid the polygon limit is to use UV mapping to texture models, textures on models comes a long way to improve the realism of a character or object.

Another good use to get around the polygon limit is to apply less polygons to objects and backgrounds to the player that is far away as they won’t see the detail from a long distance anyway. A barrel up close will could have 360 polygons up close but then it could get reduced down to 230 polygons at medium range and then 10 polygons at long range. This will keep processing power to focus more on models that need to stand out for the player.

James Bond Golden Eye on the Playstation 1. The silent pistol in the players hand has significant more detail then the sniper rifle on the floor.

Images Reference


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