What is Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship is the art of being in business which looks at the person's ability that makes them fit the gap with in a industry and valuable to companies. To fit the gap and be effective in a company people have to enjoy what they do for a living so they can engage with the subject effectively. There will always be competition, other people wanting the job but if they do take the job there will always be other opportunities if that person has a skill to offer that is invaluable.
What is the Aim?
Why are you working?
- Is it for money?
- Is it for praise and fulfilment?
- Aiding Society and People?
- ‘Strike while the iron is hot’ meaning go for it, you know what you want just do it. Don’t sit back. You need a desire to make what you want happen.
- ‘Tenacity’ meaning there will be problems don’t give up.
- ‘Don’t be precious’ meaning have the courage to accept people’s feedback and change to your idea they think is for the best.
- ‘Ability to do’ meaning be practical and get something done. If something needs doing chase it up and get it done.
- ‘What is the cost/return’ meaning if someone is going to help you, there will be a cost. Know what this is! Make sure the cost is reasonable.
- ‘It’s not what you know it’s who you know’ meaning getting to know someone who is involved with a company means they can put a good word in for you leading to a job. Knowing the knowledge is very good but may not be the final push for a company to see your capability.
People to get in contact with for connections to businesses
- Trade Associations
- Business Leaders
- Key Supporters (to business)
What Did I Learn And Summary
This lecture was about the nature of working in industry in the sense of what you need to be and what you need to do to succeed in the work place. During the lecture I learnt that as a person working in the industry you need a clear understanding of what you want and where you want to go so you have something to reach which enables you to progress further in your chosen subject.
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