A CV is unique to an individual. There are rules to writing a CV but there is no wrong way to do it.
A CV should show your key characteristics because it is the thing people are looking for.
Name + contact details
- Name
- Address
- Mobile number
- Email (Uni and personal)
- Web page (Portfolio location)
- Age
- DoB
- Status (if single put this on, if not, don’t)
- Most recent result first (University of Huddersfield’s course, give date of graduation, GCSE only grades in english and maths), 6th Form/College (Only the courses not the grade).
- Skills: Computer literacy (Cinema 4D), Driving Licence etc.
- Work Experience - Short, couple of lines to show you are willing to work and you understand how working works.
- Hobbies and Interests - Keep this very brief, it shows that you have depth personally than just a plain person who needs money.
The people who give you references from education and work backgrounds and you need to include this information about them.
- Name
- Company
- Position
- Address
- Telephone
- Work Reference
- academic reference
Only use a maximum of 3 references and let the referee know you have used them.
What I Learnt and Summary
This lecture was about the basics of writing a CV including a brief explanation for giving each of the characteristics to employees. Before this lecture I understood what a CV was and knew what obvious information goes on a CV but I didn't know some of the other less obvious information that went on one. Now however I can use the information I have learnt to write my own successful CV.
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